WSB Fence Application

Permanent Home Address (If Applicable)
Beach Address(Required)
Is Fence Existing or New (Prosposed)(Required)
Does it meet the requirements of White Sand Beach ORDINANCE Article III, Section 3? “Any planting shall not be permitted if said planting presents a safety hazard or obstructs a present view of Long Island Sound of another property owner. Any planting used as a boarder of property lines must not be allowed to protrude onto neighboring properties. Any fence and/or wall shall not be permitted if said fence and/or wall presents a safety hazard or obstructs a present view of Long Island Sound for another property owner. Any fence erected must be of a split rail or picket (spacing between each vertical slat must be a minimum of 2 inches) style not to exceed four (4) feet in height (height will be measured from the ground level to the highest point of the fence). Walls and combination of walls plus fencing must not exceed four (4) feet in height (height will be measured from the ground level to the highest point of the fence and/or wall). Solid fencing is strictly prohibited. A permit must be obtained from the Association for the erection of any fence or wall along property lines. Any other structure (trellis, shed) shall not be permitted if said structure is a safety hazard or obstructs a present view of Long Island Sound.”(Required)
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